جمعرات، 10 اگست، 2017

Education Kills Poverty!

Education Kills Poverty!
Education is the biggest Need of this Modern World. All the Developed Countries around the world having good literacy rate. Now new air among the world to reduce poverty provide good education and removes illiteracy from the country. Yes Our Today topic related to Poverty and people around the Globe why facing poverty related problems. Education is the first need of society to maintain good discipline and adjust all the moral problems. Education helps to maintain the entire basic principal among the society. Education Teach all the organizations how to apply their principle to reduce poverty from the country. If a country having large population and that country is under development state education is the right way to help their people. When people are educated they all are aware from all their problems. Population is the biggest problem now a day in all countries around the Globe. We need to educate our people about the population’s problems. If populations increases then we faces all types problem like education, Health, Transport and other. Education kills the entire problem when a Mother is educated she educate her husband about the problem of family if they have lack of recourse and income so how they manage. But when both are educated they easily understand and they find a right way to overcome on their problem and also educate other about the family problem. Family Planning is the best and right way in those countries having no well developed Science and Technology and Government is not supporting their People and Country is under Development. Both Plan their Children and manage to Control population. If Parents are facing problems in life and have no mature income so how they get rid from these problem and how education help in fight against poverty. When a person is educated and country is not very developed he can help both is different way he completes his education to find good reputed job and changes the condition of his family He can also help his country in different ways Science and Technology is the biggest need of any Country now a days and No any country develop himself without Science and Technology. He works for the betterment of Science and Technology in the Country. Contributes good inventions and upgrade Country Progress among all the countries. All the underdeveloped Countries among the world must focus on their Science and Technology Ratio Poverty is a big issue but without education we cannot overcome on it. If we want to overcome on the entire problem related to People education is a last and right way to Overcome and make a grip on it. Poverty killed by People and also created by people . When we don’t have education we have lots of problem in life and we have to face them some problem are our own creations and some are naturally given to but by wisdom we can handle them and solve them. Parents give much focus on their children about education. Education is biggest Gift given by parents to their children when your child and your youth is educated your all problem related to any field is solved Education Kills every problem in life and your never faced that problem again.

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