اتوار، 30 جولائی، 2017

How Children Helps in Terrorism a True Story of a Child:

How Children Helps in Terrorism a True Story of a Child:
Ali is a student of Class 9th. He is a very good student of his class and always come first in his ever class. He like reading newspaper and likes all the good students of his school. He helps every weak student of his school in studies. He is very intelligent after school he goes near to his house on a General store and read the news paper with his friends. Every day in the news paper he reads same new some people killed by unknown person 90 people were dead in a bomb blast in that area. After reading this type of news he will be very much upset and thinks what's going on in this country why people are killing each other every day. What is Terrorism? Why every day accident are happen why our transport system is very weak why everyone is not helping each other in their difficult time. He will be disappeared in long thought and lots of question in his mind saved without any positive answer. He thinks what is meaning of “Terrorism”? Why every day people dead? What i can do for them? How we control Terrorism? And save our city and country from all negative activities. One day Ali with his Best friend Saqid going to meets his teacher house and discusses his all question with his teacher. After listens his entire question on one moment he will be disappeared in his thoughts. Then he smile and answer to Ali and his Family today i am very much happy to listen that you are very worried about the condition of your country and as a Citizen you can do much good for your country. You have to look after the activities around your Environment. When a new person comes in your area street and near your house you just focus on what he is doing and why he came here? If you feel any dought on his activities quickly inform your parents and any elder in your house. When you do this automatically you receive all the answers of your questions in a moment. Both Saqib and Ali say bye to their teacher and left for their houses. Ali is then busy in daily routine work and just focus on his upcoming Papers which will be held in after two months. One day Ali is going to school suddenly he stop in front of little house on a corner of the street. This House is locked but light is coming out from window of this house. People are very afraid from this house because of some spiritual stories which is related to this house is famous and no one never go inside this house. No one know anything about this .One day he is going to buy newspaper and look towards this house. Different types of thoughts are coming in his mind. He wants to know that the new pain guest who are shifted in this house why they are not coming out side and did not meet any one. Suddenly he saw a man carefully walking towards this Spiritual House. His style is very complicated. Ali carefully walking behind this man. Next Day also this came scene happen. Ali wants to know about these pain guests he thinks he should want to meet them. He is busy in his thought suddenly he saw two man are coming out from that house with two heavy bags in their hands. They are walking very carefully. Ali Run towards his house and share whole story with his father and tell him about some things is going to happen but his father thinks he is joking and not care about his whole story. But when he tell him about two men he will be shocked for a second and said come with me we are going to see what is going on in that house. But when they reach their and they saw a big lock but light from the window is coming. They came back home and call the nearest Police Station for help, with in 10 mints police reached there. Police break the lock of this house and enter with good force all the people in this house suddenly shocked what is happen in this house. There were 10 men in that house when police completely searched that house they found big boxes full with the weapons. Police arrest all the men and take the entire weapon to the police station. Next day Whey Ali and Saqib read the news paper there was a big heading on the front page of news paper “In the City big Activity of Terrorism failed” 10 terrorist arrested and dangerous weapon in police recovery on a very responsible citizen call police and all this Raid happen successfully. Ali father after reading news paper appreciated him it’s your very good work you saved millions of people life. Dear Children I think this story is very helpful for you and you learned a lot form this story. When every you feel there is something unusual and strange happen around you not quickly inform your parents and nearest police station. Children also play very big role in the Society and when you help your police and other Law organization your city and then your country free from all the terrorism and terrorists. Never think that you are a child you dint do anything for your country. Children are the true soilders of any country we Children learn how to help each other how to save strange activity this world is free from all the killing activity which is now a day’s planning in all countries. Our Today Article Story is only for Children we feel that in our Blog there is no material for children so that’s why we published this article to educate the Children and tell them their key role. We hope you like this article and learn a lot which very help full in your life. We Publish Children article on a Story Style that why you learn and enjoy at a time.

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