پیر، 21 اگست، 2017

Face Exercise Look Young When You are Old!

Face Exercise Look Young When are Old!
Exercise is very important for every person to be fit in his life, but everyone is very much unaware from our face exercise muscle exercise. When we become old our muscle are also become old and their exercise is very important to be healthy. Face exercise help you to look much young as compared to your real age. No one finds your real age from you face if you regularly give some time to your face. In this article we tell how to become young and how to exercise your face follow our all steps and look young and healthy. 1. Face To tight muscle around your face open your mouth as much as you can and repeat this step 4 to 5 time in five minutes. 2. Eyes To relax your eyes this exercise is very better for you. First straight your head. Now move your eyes first Clock wise and then anti clock wise like a dial of Time Clock but keep in your mind don’t move your head. Now look towards your feet and then looks towards sky repeat this step fast and quickly. Repeat this step 5 to 6 Times and practice this exercise at least Five minutes. 3. Neck We see some people grow some extra fats on their neck if you want to remove it you practice this exercise first you bend your neck back ward and relax your shoulder push little harder. Now see towards roof and wait some seconds. Repeat this exercise 3 to 4 times. 4. Shoulders This exercise if you lay down on bed you feel very easy. This exercise very help ful for those people who feel pain in their neck and shoulders. Move your head right and left and repeat this step again and again Now sit on the floor and feel relax now touch your ear with your shoulder try this step it feel difficult but try first right shoulder and then left shoulder and repeat this exercise again and about 4 to 5 times 5. Fat Neck Stand straight in open air adjust your feet position now make long breath first inhale the air then exhale the air in your body now bend your face towards left shoulder and then bend your face towards right shoulder. Now slowly slowly turn your face towards right and left side. And also move front and back. Make a practice of this exercise daily around 15 minutes and your feel positive change after some time. 6. Exercise for face Wrinkles Biggest reason of face wrinkles on face is dry skin if your skin is dry your face very soon converts in wrinkles in very young age. If your diet is not properly balanced is also a reason of wrinkles. Eat that type of food which contains vitamins, calcium and protein they help your skin to glow. Eat plenty of water daily around 20 Glasses of water in a day. Water also very helpful in the shinning of Skin. Regularly used moisturizer on your skin. In rose water make some drops of Glacreince and then apply on your face it’s also very helpful for wrinkles and also very good moisturizer. One table spoon of lemon water and add some pure honey and apply this mask on your face it’s also reduce your wrinkles. Below some face exercise for your which are very help ful to reduce wrinkles. Stretch your lips towards inside and open your mouth as much as you can. Now open your mouth and then shut practice this step again and again. This step very helps ful for lips lines and cheeks glowing and starching. Close your eyes tightly and shut your mouth. Move your eye brows and now open your eyes and close your eyes and practice this step again and again. Move your two fingers around your eyes first clock wise and then anti clock wise this help your eyes muscles and remove your wrinkles. All these exercise are very helpful for Wrinkles if you regularly practice these exercise your definitely removes your wrinkles form your face. Those people which are having wrinkles on their face regularly exercise their face and remove all wrinkles by practice regularly.

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