منگل، 1 اگست، 2017
Say No to Cheat in Examination:
Students No Cheating in Examination:
Education is very much important in todays Society without education no one found success in this Modern Society but we never know what is the meaning of Education is. We think only Degree is the Authority to call you well be educated your information doesn’t matter.
Today we tell you about the educations Problem which is facing every society now a day. Today’s society we see without cheating in Exam we never succeed and we invent different types of tricks how to purely and safely cheating in the Exam no Examinations Hall is free from Cheating in this present time.
Who is responsible for Cheating, Parents, Teachers, Students or Educational Institutes?
In the all departments of our world we easily found cheaters and everyone is very much worried from all the cheating material and from all the cheater.
Cheating is now becomes a necessary part of our society our Examination and we have to admit it.
Our todays young generation is only in the seek of Degree not in the seek of knowledge and information which helps in their practical life. A Great saying “If you changed nothing, nothing will change".
If we want to change noting is impossible but we have to take some necessary measures in some system and then we can see the result.
Degree is big need of our society and in this search a cheater forgets everything and only goes for this short cut way who gives him degree. He has no knowledge and information to deliver in the exams so he go for Cheating step.
We need to educate our Teachers and our Youth about the bad effect of this cheating system in our Society. Give them good education so that’s why go do not go for any short cut. Make your teaching style very attractive which helps your children teach your students in very friendly and good environment. When a student freely ask any question from his teacher there is no chance of Cheating in the Exams because his mind is satisfied from all the question which are in his mind go we surely said he never go for any short cut in the Exams. But if a teacher not satisfied in studies and he waste his school Class time so he don’t have any short cut to prove his self in front of his family and school. Then that student uses this short cut way to pass in Exams.
How’s in that society any change happen where cheating is simple step no one feels hesitation to do this cheap step. They don’t realize that cheating give them degree but not gives them good information and Knowledge’s which helps them in the society.
When they go for job degree is very good but there is no knowledge in their mind which failed them in their practical field. Cheating makes human mind useless. Cheating is that type of habit which destroys human hard working habit and our youth is wasting time on it.
Which time they have to give to their studies all youth is busy in wasting on all the social Media Networks. Cheater Person always wants to as maximum they done cheating option use during examination. Invention of Mobile phone is very helpful for all the cheaters. Mobile phone makes their cheating very easy. Why mobile homes are allowed in the Examination Hall.
Now a day’s our students not taking proper focus to their studies on time and in the end they find all the short cut to pass the exams. Our teachers have to focus on all the students and by using any trick and convert their mind towards studies.
When they use short in Exam they also wants to use short Cut in life also and these people go to run the system or works in any office and organization they unable to complete their tasks and others matters of that system because they are blank for any type of information.
Societies which has good Educational systems trains their youth for the upcoming time.
And a good wel educated student helps in every matter of life runs their every work and task of life very easily. Good Youth develop good country and well developed countries then helps in them in all matters of life.
In this article we give a message to our youth don’t go for short cut use your field during Education and first check in which field you are interested and then go for it.
Don’t take any decision in life under pressure if you don’t like Science don’t go for it Chose Simple field then you get any knowledge easily about that but if you chose any hard field you always unable to succeed and then you go for all the available short cuts.
Its Parents responsibility to check their children interest first and then allow them to go in that field.
Don’t give them any pressure according to our point of view biggest problem creator in this world are parents they apply their decision on their children without knowing what they want in life and when these students use short cut to pass the exams its make a habit in whole they think why we work hard just use short step and then we appear in the exams.
Parents are also responsible for that they don’t care their children. In past we can see parents are very much against Tuitions after school but now a day’s tuition is a trend and every parents involves in this even they don’t shy to give Money in the Examination Hall and add some number to their children Grades.
Parents do all this because in society they want to feel their self pound their child is very much intelligent and always busy in counting their children good habits.
Parents Help their children and give them confidence we hope that child give them very much positive response in life which is good for society, appreciate positive attitude of your child and all him to do best in his selected field.
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