اتوار، 30 جولائی، 2017

End of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Political Career 2017!

New Political Air in Pakistan Politics! In the Last 70s Year of Politics in Pakistan any Prime Minister Not Completes its 5 Year Tenure. Supreme Court of Pakistan and His JIT Bench give his decision about Mr Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. This Decision end political career of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on 28th July -2017. In the Political time in Pakistan from 1947 to 2017 we are see lots of waves moving in Pakistan Politics but no Prime Minster completes his 5 Year Tenure . But in this article we give as much detail as we can about the Mr X Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Mr Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Starts his Practical Career as a Business Man. Political life first he was selected as a President of whole Business Community in Lahore. In 1985 Mr Nawaz Sharif elected as Chief Minister of Lahore Punjab. When he was Chief Minister on that time Mr Muhammad Ali Khan was the Prime Minister of Pakistan. On 5th June 2013 Mr Nawaz Sharif elected again as a Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Whole family of Mr Nawaz Sharif is working in Business field since 1930. Mr Nawaz Sharif is a Leader of Strong Political Party in Pakistan Name “Pakistan Muslims League (N)”. Family of Mr Nawaz Sharif is famous among the richest family in the Pakistan in Business. Mr Nawaz Sharif born on 25th December-1949 in Lahore. His father Muhammad Sharif is the President of “Itfaq Group". Nawaz Sharif takes his Degree in Business Administration from Government College Lahore. 1981 Nawaz Sharif is become member of National Advisory Council. On that time Mr Nawaz Sharif Build his relation with General Zia Ul Haq and General Raheem Udin these relations helps Mr Nawaz Sharif in his life. In 1988 Nawaz Sharif elected as a Minister of Punjab on the end of Military Law. He is playing his role in the Politics of Pakistan from last 35 years. On the order of Supreme Court of Pakistan he is out form all his Ranks in Pakistan and Also out from the National Assembly of Pakistan. He always remains the Strong person of His Party "Pakistan Muslims League N" and Mr Nawaz Sharif recommends a MNA from his Party which is the Next Prime Minister of Pakistan. He recommends other person name but not recommend his own Brother name for Prime MINISTER OF Pakistan. This shows his positive attitude for Pakistan. In this whole Political Air in Pakistan everyone is seeing what's going on in the upcoming Elections in Pakistan which will be held in 2018. "Pakistan Muslims League N" tries his best to win this Election 2018 with big majority and again run Government in Pakistan. On "Itfaq Group" loan damages case bank Charge a case on Nawaz Sharif which is around 3 Arab and 80 Corer. But Lahore High Court End this case in February 2015 when they sold "Itfaq Group” and clear all the dues against Bank. Many times Mr Nawaz Sharif arrested and spends difficult time in the Different Jails in Pakistan. Mr Nawaz Sharif left Prime Minister House with his family on 29th July 2017. Nawaz Sharif Life face different rise and fall in his 35 Years of Political Career in Pakistan. He spend also his time out from this country and the Government not allowed to came in Pakistan and not Participate in any Political Activity in Pakistan. He has good Business man mind that’s why he starts very big Project in Pakistan for his People. He developed this country and wants to see Pakistan in one the highly developed countries among the world. Nawaz Sharif also Suffer big Political Problems with some other Parties in Pakistan. "Pakistan Tareek Insaf" from one of the Biggest Enemies of Mr Nawaz Sharif Party Imran Khan the Chair Person of "Pakistan Tareek e Insaf" always planning how to Win in the Election System in Pakistan. In this Time Mr Nawaz Sharif Name appears in Panama papers and then the difficult time starts in the Political Career of Nawaz Sharif. Supreme Court of Pakistan Create 5 Member J-I-T bench to inquire about Mr Nawaz Sharif within 60 Days this Bench Submit his Report. Then Supreme Court of Pakistan finally Disqualifies Mr Nawaz Sharif from Prime Minister Ship and National Assembly of Pakistan. Mr Nawaz Sharif in his Political Career Complete his entire going project in his tenure. He works for all the Business Community. His Work to improve the educational System in Pakistan is not to be forgettable. He improve Hospital, Roads, Education, IT Departments, He develop all the organizations He work not in a single field he improve all. On 30 July-2017 Mr Nawaz Sharif and His family left the Prime Minister House and went to his house in Murree and not challenge the Decision of Supreme Court of Pakistan. He message to his Party Work stayed patience i will be back and again work for the betterment of Pakistan and stand this Pakistan in the Develop Courtiers around the Globe. We never forget the Political Work of Mr Nawaz Sharif in last 35 years in Pakistan. This a time we have to see his Work and his development in Pakistan. This time to Support him he a real Man for Pakistani Development History. Long Live Mr Nawaz Sharif we just mention some little points of your life we are unable to describe you completely in this article. He is a complete Book to study. Long Live Mr Nawaz Sharif the X Prime Minister Of Pakistan. We Hope that this article helps you. If we use any harsh word in this article we apologized on it. Looking forward for your Kindly Cooperation.

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