اتوار، 30 جولائی، 2017

Daughters are Gift from God!

Daughters are Gift from God!
God gift to his creature in the face of "Daughters". We see daughter in different faces in this society. Sometimes they are helping their mother in house routine work, sometime they are fighting with their brother on very little issues. Daughters are the dream girls of their Fathers. But these little girl grown up in practical life start her character as a career woman she makes in one like someone going to climb up on the Mount Everest and make a new World record , we see someone are busy in flying the Fighter Jets and receives lot of Model in their field. Some are busy in the sea drivers and some other starts their career as a business woman and builds her own Empire. Daughters are as sensitive we can't think. A poet Said “Daughter are the butterflies of her Father Garden" don't touch them they lost their color. IF we talk about some middle class families , they start worried when she give birth a Daughter how to manage her life how to manage to expenses of her marriage When they grownup Parents are very much worried because they don't have anything to give No Good Education , No any other thing for their marriage. Those girls also have some dream but there is no chance to show off and tell their parents about them they lock their dream in a very old box in their house and never open that box. On the other hand parents tension increase day by day in the marriage of their daughter. A great saying that “if nature gives one change to the parents they only write the good luck of their daughters". Daughters are the little birds of their parents Nests. If you want to see true feelings of Parents attend any marriage party of girl and watch the condition of her parents when they send her daughter with a stranger you also can't control you emotion on that time. Now a day's lots of Expense on marriage create big difference in this society. Those people have lots of wealth manages easily the expenses of marriage of her daughter but a poor never think about the marriage of her daughter. These parents have no way to think about her marriage, but these parents try their best to manages the marriage of her daughter but now the tension not end in marriage they also face lots of trouble. How to manage the guest , what's is the lunch menu and everything in the menu is good are not in short they try their level best to serve best in the marriage but in the end story is completely changes all the relatives complaint about all the arrangement held by the Poor Parents. Whole family having lots of complains in their mind your lunch was not very good we don't like you arrangements the color of chair are very old why you choose it , why you don't arrange AC in the hotel . Your daughter dress is not a designer wear. This the very sensitive time for all the parents around the World kindly if we don’t help them kindly doesn’t tease in this sensitive condition. We used a line in our article that “The Daughter are the birds of their Parents Nests” naturally birds are very sensitive and soft creature of God if you bit teased them they lost their life. In the marriage condition of any daughter now a day we create only our self in problem. If we talk about the Make time duration of Bride and Brides it will shock you 5,6 hour are the shortest time for all the makeover salon in the society after the make both Bride and Brides Go for Photo Shoot it take approximately 5 hours then the Dinner time Starts. if Want to say what going on the society its creates big different among Rich and Poor. This society said that only a rich wealthy person only celebrates the marriage party of her Daughter and Society said to poor your are not allowed to think about your daughter marriage on any case. Whole society in false respect losing her Stander in whole world if we want to see the European Country and their marriages life style we will be shocked no extra expense just a normal simple marriage no difference of rich and poor there. We think this the way to show off our wealth in front of everyone. Kindly think about it we lost our moral value in this false respect. There is no need of any extra arrangements it just a waste of time and money. You never happy every so kindly save your money people always talks we said there is no other work for people. Marriage is the name of starting a new life style communication between two family Our Daughter play very important roles in the building of new life between two families so build the good moral character of your daughter which helps them in whole life. If you not focus on the Moral, Character base of your Daughter Two family till whole life survive and never spend their time happily. You think that i we give our daughters best furniture, Car, home , utensils she will spend comfortable time in the life but you 100 % wrong because Money give you good bed but not give you good sleep money gives you good house but not give you moral satisfaction. Beautiful lines that if we want to spend good life learn from animals and birds in life. They also have families but always live combine in any danger they never left each other but we are very much different we think we easily face every situation of life. Daughter are Gift of God given them good education good moral teaching your daughters will succeed in life and also helps other family where after marriage she will spend her life with her children and husband.

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