ہفتہ، 29 جولائی، 2017

Save Your Relation Not You’re Money!

Save Your Relation Not You’re Money!
In this society we thinks all the happiness and comfort only come from money if we are wealthy so we are the luckiest person in the world and if we are poor we are from those person whom having no life , they are spending their life without breath. Majority of our society thinks that if we have money we have every think we have relation we have power we have respect etc. but they all are wrong wealth gives you comfort but not gives you satisfaction, and we are satisfied when we respect and care our every relations in life. If we go back 50 years we found love and respect everywhere in the society. People only spread love they are not very much wealthy as compared to today's society but they are enrich with every true relation of life peace and respect everywhere. But today we think if someone gives us respect so then we give him respect if someone give a gift or any other thing then we decides what we give to him. In past give and take is the best to make relations stronger. But now a day’s no one agree to give anything to anyone in any case. One of the biggest problem nowadays among relation that if give like 10 we demand 100 but reality is very much different. Very funny and interesting thing is now become fashion everywhere in whole society specially in marriages we create the amount list in the copy which relative give us 10 which give us 1000 and which one gives us 10000 and we return that amount in their marriage. Friends relations are very more than our give and think and give value to your true relation means your blood relations in the society of Which one is Best and Which one is Wealthy destroy us we are not giving values to each other in every single matter. I tell you a story very close to us a person who celebrates his child birth day and he invite every famous person around the area he live he is very much wealthy man and have every comfort of life. We know his family also his own brother like we said brother from a single mother also came in the party he was bit late. His brother is standing in the receiving section but when he see his brother and his little gift very quickly he said to his friend this is my old servant and came here to help my other servant you know work load is very much and i also invites him to help them. We are speech less to see this no words but what can we do this is the situation of every 2nd House in the society how we change this why we don't care our true relations and why this wealth creates big difference among us. When we become wealthy we don't care of any other person we think only we are human every other is belong form any other planet. Our Society is full of this type of stories and but just like pigeon bird close our eyes we think no one see us but one day we have to answer all of our single word. But Dear Friends Your blood relations are those relations that feels your problems your pain as compared to other person in life. Money is not permanent in life if anyone is rich this is not fixed he is wealthy always may be in future But your relations always remain permanent and care you always if you are happy or rich. In this Society Blood relation are changed because of our misconception if we are wealthy then every one respect and our relation close more toward us but this is wrong society respect us because of our behavior and life style in the environment. If we are living a life with good manners care every person take care of all the necessary elements in life then every one respect us but we thinks if we are wealthy we receive all the care and respect from society and from all relations. When we give care and respect to our relative in expect of money and other matter we also feel moral satisfaction in life and succeed in all matters. Give moral teaching to our children give them teaching how to respect every one set a example in your life because in this society Parents are the best teachers of their children if Parents perform bad with everyone not gives any respect automatically their children do this in life they think it’s a compulsory step of life. If we want to build a good society and set an example for other we have to do well with everyone not only with our relations. Performs all the good deeds with your children in this way they learn how to do good and why we are giving respect to those who needs our help. These are the little stages of life and a moral life which is free from all the negative aspects of life which is clean from all the dirt and other bad things. Respect your servant who are working in your office or at home , treat them like a brother and sister these are the teaching of God how to behave with your servants and how to give them respect. If you do well with them they feel lucky and share their every problem with you. Help them in their all difficulties of life as much as you can. Educate everyone in this society to make good relation with every one now a day’s our society only need this one form their good life style. If your servants perform any mistake don’t scold them give them chance to do better not every time insult them in front of everyone they also needs your care and respect if you give them they perform more good if you not they always make this mistake again and again. We hope that this article also helps you in life and you learn much positive steps.

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